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Get Help

Reach out directly, report feedback via TestFlight, or file an Issue on GitHub.

Need help with PR Focus?

Currently, the app is in private alpha on TestFlight.

When slots open for the closed beta, PR Focus will announce the availability of beta test spots on its Mastodon account.

At the moment, the best way to get help is:

The PR Focus macOS app repository is private. Issues filed on the website repository can be for suggestions or improvements for the documentation, or for the PR Focus app. When filing an issue, please label your issue with PR Focus App or PR Focus Website for a faster response.

Prior to a beta release, PR Focus will add a support email as an additional method of requesting help.

Note: I’m so excited you’re interested in PR Focus, but I’m just one person and developing this app is not my day job. I will do my best to get back to you quickly, but can’t make any guarantees about response times. Thank you for your patience, and for helping me make PR Focus more awesome!